Thursday, September 10, 2015

AARP: Battle For The Open Field

The Vickers and Piat team had to take a bio break, but the town's plumbing was all messed up from carpet bombing, so they went out in the field.  That was unfortunately when the rest of the Royal Canadian Engineers realized the incoming Germans.  They had to fight to rescue their friends who'd been caught with their pants down.

The supporting artillery answered the call for a smoke barrage quickly (the brass ring), blocking out the view of the most closest Germans.  Once all the reserves were on the field it became clear the town was surrounded.  A StuH 42  and a Puma showed up along the road.  The Puma proved to be as annoying as all Recce vehicles are, milking that house for all the hard cover it was worth.

 The winds didn't have the same idea in mind, and shortly after the smoke was blown clear, leaving an open ground and an intense firefight to ensue over the remaining PIAT team suck in the hedgerow.  Germans pressed in from all sides, the Canadian's impressive fire proving ineffectual.  The Cromwell crew was having a bad day (Two 2+ rolls missed to 75mm squads right in front of it.)

The Canadians pushed up from the town to take position in the woods and provide some covering fire.

At the end of the day the Germans ended up taking the PIAT team and surrounding the town, forcing everyone inside into a siege.  Their success was in no small part due to the strength of the medium howitzer of the StuH and the lack of accuracy of the Cromwell crew.

My opponent had a winter based army, hence the white washed puma and all the white bases.  For this reason I didn't do too many overhead or close ups of the Germans.

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