Friday, September 4, 2015

Foundation Post #2: What I Am Doing

Currently I am playing a lot of Bolt Action and loving it.  I play twice or thrice a week, sometimes more.  Balance and gripes against other systems aside, Bolt Action has a really unique Order Dice mechanic that removes the boring alpha striking that can happen in games where one side does all their things then the other side does it.  It also keeps the game much more involved and tense, since you're kind of always on bench.  It's a game you actually get to play for the full battle, where as you're only playing half the time in other systems.  I can get into the specifics of the rules later.  This will likely be a large chunk of the content here.  I'll save army profiles for later so here's just a bunch of Bolt Action pictures to get you going.

Here are my Canadians I was talking about.  I'll do a full profile on them later, but the idea is they be a kind of Royal Canadian Engineer force meant to be taking out the entrenched enemy fortifications.  This is what a typical game board tends to look like for us.  Buildings can get a bit dull with the way they block so much fire, but the foreground buildings look so nice we just have to use them.  

Some of the terrain is home-made by myself and the other groups at the club and some bought.  Half the fun is just building a cool looking table and watching toy soldiers running all over it.

What else am I doing?  Currently I commission paint for the locals and their friends.  I guess best case scenario would be if that some how blew up and I could turn it into a real job that I could live off of.  I'm a bit hesitant about that though.  The legality of someone mailing me their stuff and me mailing it back raises a lot of questions.  What if it gets damaged, or someone tries to fake damage, or a number of other things?  We'll see though.  It would be pretty awesome to make a life out of something I enjoy so much.

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