Thursday, September 3, 2015

Foundation Post #1: What I've Done (Not the Linkin Park song)

In an attempt to document my hobby progress as well as potentially motive that extra step into prolific production, and ultimately serve as a connection to the outside world, I have begun this blog.  Topics will be wide, spanning different game systems, and universes and rules, but it will always be table top hobby related.  Mostly.  So here are a few Foundation Posts so you can see what kind of content this is, if its your type, and if you'll check back in.  Thanks for coming!

I started war gaming like many when I was a wee lad.  Of course I didn't know what I was doing nor the implications of just how much the hobby would eventually take over my life.  I started like many playing Warhammer 40k.  I maintained that for a while, before a full decade later I entered the world of Warhammer Fantasy.  Not a big leap really.  Surely this would be a great place to put pictures of my Warhammer models.  Unfortunately I don't have many quality pictures of them on hand.  The armies I have are a large force of Space Marines, and a medium to large sized Empire army.  My interest in playing 40k and Fantasy have waned (or made impossible by GW destroying the latter) so currently there will likely be little to no content involving my armies of 40k and Fantasy.  However, I do have some rare pictures on file.  These pictures are going to be big.  I may some day figure out a way to make it so you can click to enlarge, but until then, I'm dumping large images here so you can see every detail and flaw.

The Warboss for my Ork Speed Freak Army.  Also my fingers and mouse pad (it helped with lighting and color balance)

A Nob for said army.

However, currently I do friendly commission work for some members of the local group, as well as some of their friends, and some of their requests involve 40k models, so that content will appear.  Some of it right here, in fact.  Stay tuned for the next Foundation Post, subtitled What I am Doing to get a taste of some more.

A Fire Dragon I did for a friend.  I did a whole batch, but only have this picture left over.

A Blood Angel for a friend's 30k force.  I have done a lot of these, but this is currently the only picture I can gather.  Expect some more of this type of stuff.

A Dark Angel scout with sniper rifle.  Did this guys whole Dark Angels Army.  It currently serves as a good example of the quality I do on commission.  I wish I had more pictures.  Perhaps I'll follow him around with a camera next time I see he has them out for a game.  Also there's a cat in the background.
Since leaving the GW scene, I have since picked up the very popular, and ever growing Bolt Action.  I was hesitant at first but I'm very glad I went in on it.  I've enjoyed my time greatly, and the shift in painting styles was more interesting and fun than I expected it to be.  I have a large army of Soviets and a medium, currently expanding force of Candian Royal Engineers under the Commonwealth of Great Britain.  I will drop some pictures of the Soviets here, since that army is complete, and the Canadians I will classify under What I am Doing for the next post.

I thought this shot looked really cool, unfortunately I botched the quality and didn't realize it.

Assault Engineers with the monstrous KV2 next to them.
The same thing.  Different angle.  That KV will be the center of its own post one day soon.
I've got a lot more, but lets save some for the other posts, eh?  Hopefully you enjoyed something in here, be it the writing, pictures, or maybe you just like the action on your scroll wheel and you look for any excuse to use it.  You can expect more of the same, as well as more of some different: battle reports, tactic ideas, rules discussions, and what ever else happens to be on mind.

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