Monday, September 7, 2015


The KV2.  With such a unique profile and history, anyone who likes tanks can recognize one.  I once read that if they did not fire on flat ground, they had a tendency to flip over.  In Bolt Action they are a heavy tank chassis with a heavy howitzer mounted on a turret.  The model is currently resin, and while I've seen some of the less-good looking kits from Warlord, I'm happy to report this one is crisp, clean, and best of all: not all bent and wobbly.  At least mine wasn't.  Since my Soviets have snowy bases, I put on some white washing to my KV2.

I do love me that big refrigerator turret.
 My KV2 I named "kitten" in Russian because all of my opponents were quaking in their boots about it, but in the 10 games I've used it in, I haven't killed more enemies than friendlies.  Which isn't to say I roll a lot of FUBARs, just one actually, but that is how unfortunate my to-hit rolls have been.  Recently he missed a 2+ point blank shot at some Fins, who then took their opportunity to charge him with anti tank grenades, setting it on fire and forcing the crew to bail of course.  So "kitten" it is dubbed.

 I have also used this vehicle in the attack on the Mannheim line mission, and it fell in the lake.  Though that wasn't too surprising.  There was a 50% chance of it happening.

Here's a shot of it in action against some Fins, avenging a fallen armored ally.

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